On March 15th, we published the BID’s Impact Study, an assessment of the damage done to-date to our small business, arts, and non-profit community by COVID-19. In the week since, we joined forces with partners in East Cambridge and Union Square, Somerville to compile a second regional version with shared Recommended Relief Measures.

Between the BID, USMS, and ECBA, we represent 450+ individual businesses and organizations in Cambridge and Somerville—restaurants, retailers, entertainment and arts venues, hotels, non-profits, and service businesses. 98 testimonials are included. Reading them is like walking down Mass Ave.; you’ll recognize so many of your favorite places. They are on the frontline of the economic fallout from the pandemic. It is their collective voice we are working to amplify.

In addition to our three organizations, over 50 business associations, elected officials, and Chambers of Commerce have signed in support of the proposed relief measures, to help elevate them to higher levels of government. Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, many of our City Councillors, and our partners at Cambridge Local First are among the Cambridge supporters.

These grassroots relief recommendations have been shared with our state reps, whom we’ll be working with going forward. As stewards of Central Square, we are also advocates. We believe this is essential work to undertake on behalf of the people of Central Square and the Cultural District .

For our joint letter, click here.

To download the entire report, click here.

For other local advocacy efforts, click here.